Women Bare ~ Tara

I dedicate this blog to the beautiful and inspiring Tara! In the heart of every woman beats the longing to sit with her sisters, connect deeply and share her vulnerability, her joys, fears and her dreams. With Tara I share this bond of sisterhood. I was incredibly happy and honoured when Tara decided to participate in the 'Women Bare' project. Her light needs to shine out into the world! Women are created to be together, to collaborate, to support each other and to be a sacred community. 

These are Tara's pictures and the words she'd like to share with us:

Strong women

When I was asked to write about strong women, I thought of course to my lineage, to the women who shaped my upbringing.

I pondered over this for the longest time; because I came up with everyone and at the same time with no one! As a girl, and on the journey to becoming a woman, I asked myself often if I had what it took to be a strong woman.




"My kind of strength comes from being open and vulnerable."

The women I grew up with could metaphorically be compared to fierce, beautiful warriors, goddesses just like Kali... I came to realise later that the auspiciousness of Lakshmi has equal strength, but of a different quality.




"Every woman has her kind of strength."

Every woman has her kind of strength, that may be in the form of a strong CEO or in a Mother who's primary focus is her family. When I came up with no one in my line, it wasn't because there were no strong woman that I knew, but because my kind of strength comes from being open and vulnerable, even in the face of huge adversity, a quality that some may see as weak. 

The women in my line are beautiful warriors and for the longest time I thought I wasn't strong, but it turns out that, I am strong, I'm just a different kind of strong.